Legal and accounting advice
Business incorporation
Tax domicile
Tax return
Business Model Development
About us
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Contact form:
Definition and writing of a business model
Please fill in the form. This information will allow us to advise you in the best possible way.
First and Last Name:
E-mail address:
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$ 1 UF (Plan Basic)
$ 45 UF (Plan Business)
$ 55UF (Plan Prime)
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Your message or your future company's line of business:
Select the services you are interested in:
Company creation
Accounting services
Accountant's advisory
Income tax return
Tax domicile
Obtaining a visa
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How can we help you?
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Price list (PDF)
Book a consultation
Profesionales competentes. Precios transparentes.
Contables dedicados, sólo para usted.
Lo que ofrecemos:
Costes transparentes
Especialistas competentes
Consejos amistosos
Experiencia interdisciplinaria
Tratamiento conforme a la ley